Hunter, bud! I blinked and 3 months had passed without me writing your monthly posts. I am ashamed of myself. We've had a LOT going on, but I am making myself sit down and record these precious memories for us to look back on. You are the sweetest, happiest, most lovable baby boy there ever was (well, your brother too!). There is almost never a time where a big smile is not plastered across that darling face of yours, and I could just eat you up. Daddy and brother feel the same way!
This month, as with the past 3, we've had our fair share of doctors visits. Earlier this month, we took you to Dr. McClard because you were pulling those ears. With the diagnosis of a double ear infection, we made an appointment with the ENT and found out you had significant scarring and mild hearing loss. We felt like horrible, horrible parents! You are so happy all of the time that we never ever knew you were in pain or sick at all. You got tubes 2 days later. I'd like to say it's been smooth sailing from there, but you've still had your issues with those too. We go back (again) next Wednesday, and hopefully with steroids and drops and antibiotics, you'll be on the mend and well enough to do that hearing test again. When we saw Dr. McClard at your 9 month checkup, you were 24 pounds, 9 ounces (98%) and 30 inches long (98%). You weighed 25 pounds at the doctor this past Wednesday and had grown about a quarter of an inch. Bragger alert: when we were at Children's for your ENT appointment, exactly 9 people stopped me and said how cute you were. I have to agree!
You are in a size 4 diaper, 12-18 month clothing and a wardrobe full of things you are growing out of way too quickly! You've moved up to a size 4 shoe, but to be honest, I never put you in shoes, ever. Your rolls and round little belly are getting harder and harder to squeeze into those 9-12month things, so we've moved on up. You are a little linebacker, for sure.
We've said our farewell to baby food. You're completely on table food, and boy, do you love it. You'll eat anything and everything that we sit in front of you, which is so completely different than your picky, almost vegetarian big brother. You ate caesar salad and meatballs the other night, and daddy and I just laughed and laughed. You love carbs, but who doesn't? Pears are your favorite fruit, you love bread and puffs, noodles, chicken, and the list goes on. Aunt Amber and I were eating dinner at the country club one night and we looked over to find you stealing fries off big brother's plate. You also managed to grab a gingerbread cookie from the kitchen table last weekend. You also want to drink out of a big kid's sippy, so I think we'll be phasing out of that bottle right at 1.
You are crawling now, and you are quick! You scootch along the couch and pull up on everything. I've even seen you swinging on the furniture once or twice. You can open the piano cover and bang on the keys, which I think is absolutely brilliant. You have rhythm and can beat on your drums so well, which is so unlike anyone else in this musically-uninclined family. I think you'll be taking those first steps very soon. You just need to get a little more confidence standing unassisted on those chubby little legs.
You're sleeping like a champ. It took a little while to get used to a new room in a new house, but we kept as much the same as we could, and you've adjusted well. You usually take a nap around 5:30 each night until 6:30 or 7, get a bath, play a bit, have a bottle and then are back down until 6:30 or 7:00 each morning. This morning, you slept in until 8:30; I'll take that!
You're the champion of the pouty face, quivering lip, loud tantrum cry when you don't get what you want. In other words, you are MY child! You and brother can play together all the time now, and if Luke decides he wants something you had, it doesn't go over well. We have to quickly get you a new toy before full on hysteria kicks in. Luke loves you so so much; he still calls you his baby. He told Santa that he's been so good taking care of his baby this year! Ha! I love the relationship you two have and my mama heart is just bursting with pride.
The past 3 months have been a whirlwind of excitement, fun and happy chaos. We moved from our first home on Cromwell Drive to a home just 4 miles north in Farmers Branch. We are closer to the Club, where we spend so much of our time, and we have quite a bit more space for you crazy boys to run, play and explore and grow up. I never want to move again! Since so much has gone on and it would take me days to recap, I'll just write about what we've done this month. I hope you don't mind too much!
We started off your 10th month by getting those tubes in your ears. I took you very early on Monday morning to Children's and we got those suckers put in as quickly as we could. They are working, but those ears are still draining like a leaky faucet, so we're trying to find a remedy for that.
The next weekend, we continued to work on our new house and we went to Jett's birthday party in Fort Worth. You crawled around with the big kids and cuddled with Ava and had the best time. It was so fun to see the Blackburns and catch up and you and brother both took great naps on the way home.
On Thanksgiving, we drove to Austin to give thanks for our many, many blessings with the Wallaces and Daddy's side of the family. We stayed through the weekend and you got to play with your cousins, the puppy and spend lots of time with Grandma and Pappy. We also got to go to Grannie and PawPaw's house. It was the best weekend spending time with family we don't see often enough. On the way home from Austin, the traffic was awful and we happened to see Blake and Melissa on the road, so we made a pit stop and had dinner with them. You and Chase got to meet again - I know y'all will grow up to be great friends.
On Monday the 1st, we went to the BCDC holiday party where Santa made his appearance. You were just as happy as could be, but we'll see what happens next year!
Last weekend, we went to see ICE! at the Gaylord Texan with Nana, Papa, Aunt Emily, Uncle Adam and Maddie Claire. It was so so cold, but you were adorable in that parka. After ICE and a long nap, we drove back to Grapevine for a ride on the North Pole Express and a visit with Santa. You were a champ through all of the lines and crowds and craziness, and we made memories I'll cherish for a lifetime. Sunday, you woke up wheezy, so we had to miss church and snuggle all day. It was a good break from our go-go-go lives, but I'm ready to celebrate Advent at PCBC with our church family again! I know you are ready to get back to your buds in the nursery, too :)
Hunter, I can't tell you how much I love you and adore being your mom. I give thanks to our Creator each day that he chose me to raise you and love you and call you mine. In this season of Thanksgiving and celebrating our Savior's birth, I'm reflecting on the gifts that He has given to me, and you, my precious son, are one of the very best gifts. It is the joy of my life to raise you and your brother. Brother Bear, I love you!

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