Hello Blog World. Happy Late Valentine's Day. I spent yesterday teaching Sunday School, packing, running (my first ever 5k is in 3 weeks!!!!), and just generally being productive. Jon and I went out on Saturday for a fancy dinner at a steak house in Dallas we hadn't been to yet; it wasn't bad. But as a lover of all things Prime Rib, the place didn't even compare to my favorite, Houstons. I just wish so badly they would take reservations... anyone with me on this?!?
So, I need to tell you all about the crazy day I had today! I got up super early this morning to head to DC for work. Going from one snowy place to another is so much fun, letmetellya. Well, I sat down in my first class seat (thanks Jon!) and Wolf Blitzer sits down right beside me. The closest I've gotten to a celebrity on a plane was Flava Flav 5 rows ahead of me on a flight to Vegas a couple years back. side note: his clock necklace was a tad ridiculous. BUT, here's the thing: I have a really big thing about meeting celebrities and not making them feel like they are that important. I mean, hello!, it's Wolf Blitzer, but I just feel like if everyone is the world is like, "hey, are you Wolf Blitzer?", the man's gonna get a huge ego. PLUS, he was really quiet and slept the whole flight. If I were on TV, I'm not sure I'd want everyone that has seen me on TV to talk to me. Sometimes, you just want to sleep on that flight with no cell phone interruptions or annoying little girls asking you about your relationships with past and current presidents. ha!
So that's not all. Last week during the GREATEST SNOW STORM IN ALL OF DALLAS HISTORY, my friends and I decided to do some sledding. Well, genious that I am, put my camera in a pocket not really meant to hold things - really, North Face, a pocket with holes?- and it fell out lost forever! I was so sad! Jon was nice enough about it and ordered me a new one this weekend. Well today, I'm sitting in a conference room in our office and I get an instant message that says "you are never going to believe this" and I'm like "try me". Apparently, right before Jon left for Connecticut (yes, we are both out of the state and yes, we have an alarm. So don't try anything!), a man in a truck pulls up to the door and rings the doorbell. Jon answers and the oh-so-nice man was like, did you lose a camera? And he pulls it out and hands it to Jon in PERFECT condition. How the heck does a camera work after being buried in a couple feet of snow?!? Turns out the man turned the camera on and I had taken pictures of our house with all the snow and if you zoomed in, you could see our street numbers. And I took a picture looking out to across the street and he zoomed in and saw the cross streets. That's a good samaritan if I've ever heard of one.
Well, I'm off to run and watch the Bachelor. As I much as I love realitysteve.com, he's really ruined the suspense for me. I know, I know, I could choose not to read. But I've never been know for my patience.
Until next time, stay warm, stay dry and check those pockets for holeS!