Luke - I can't believe another month has flown by. Parenting you is such a blessing and so much fun; you are quite the kid and I am so grateful I get to raise you. Plans for your two year birthday party are in full swing and it's so bittersweet - you aren't a baby anymore! You are the most precocious, sensitive, funny, adventurous, independent little kid and we love every single trait that God packed into your little body.
You are growing, growing, growing! You weigh a little over 33 pounds right now and seem taller each day. No official stats this month - we stayed illness free and didn't go to the doctor once. Hallelujah! You are getting skinnier as you get taller and you'll even flex your muscles for us now. It's just about the cutest thing I've ever seen.
You've gotten to the sponge stage. You listen and repeat every. single. thing. you hear. You sing songs in the car, you request things, you say words we didn't know you'd ever heard and you're becoming quite the conversationalist. Your first sentence ever was "Aunt Amber has a puppy" and your daddy and I just looked at each other like astonished. Since that sentence, you've been talking up a storm, formulating sentences and babbling on and on. You're definitely not an introvert.
You're loving your "big boy bed" and playing in your room. I've caught you a couple times not napping - instead, you'll pile all your stuffed animals onto your bed, take about 100 books from the bookshelf and "read" to yourself. You like to watch movies in bed, eat your snacks in bed and play in bed. When we put you to sleep at night, you request "bed" and then demand that we "sit" while you nod off.
Our afternoons have been packed full of trips to the park, swimming in the backyard and playing outside. You've even gotten in the pool with you clothes on once or twice. We can't keep you away. We've been back at swim school regularly and you absolutely love it. You laugh, splash, sing the songs, blow bubbles and jump right in - for an M&M of course. This weekend you went under in our pool and demanded an M&M for your skills. Last weekend, you fell in, turned around and swam back to the steps. We are so thankful that Emler has taught you that survival skill!
We've had lots of play dates this month. We spend a lot of time at the country club running around on the putting green. We've gone to friends' houses, out to eat, out for ice cream, to the park and even to the zoo. You are so social and love being around other kiddos, so you are in your element on our adventures.
True to our family's tradition, we crammed this month full of activities. We had very little down time, but that's the way we like it. You thrive on being out of the house, running around and being around people. You get bored at home and we have to get out and go.
Last month, right after you turned 21 months, we drove down to Austin for the Dorsey Crawfish Boil. You had a blast running around, going down the slide, playing with your cousins, eating large amounts of watermelon and helping Uncle Mark with the crawfish. You made it out to Grandma and Pappy's house for a few hours to play on the land, help Pappy in his garden and chase Bonnie.
The next weekend, we had our Sunday School picnic. You had a blast playing on the playground, chasing the ducks, eating cheetos, and playing with your friends. We had to pry you off the rock wall to make it home for nap time. We are so grateful for our good friends and our wonderful church, where you are growing up with families who love you and are invested in your faith and love for the Lord.
In early May, we went to your friend Callen's house for a Cinco de Mayo party. You and Callen ran wild in their backyard. It was a blast! After that, we went to the Morris' house to celebrate Leland's birthday. Once again, you ran wild outside - playing tee-ball, swinging, driving cars. On Sunday, we went to volunteer with Acts 1:8 day at church. Your teachers were there making balloon animals and they loved seeing you - you played with your friends and wore Daddy out knocking down the cans at his game station.
On Mother's Day weekend, Nana, Papa and Maddie Claire came to visit. You and MC swam, colored, played, watched movies and wore this mama out! We went to church and out for brunch, and then we came home to get ready for our 1st Annual Mother's Day Crawfish Boil. We had 4 families and 6 kids and it was absolute chaos. You were unsure about all the kids playing with your toys, but it was so fun and I can't wait to do it again.
Last weekend, we went to the zoo on Friday with Kaki and Trevor. It was so fun! You all got to feed the giraffes and ride the carousel and left tired and happy. The rest of the weekend was full of resting and swimming - a much needed break from our crazy schedule!
Buddy- I am so thankful for these days and months that I get to watch you grow and change. You have made each day infinitely more fun and I thank God each and every day for giving you to me. You are the BEST little boy. I love you thisssssss much!