Hi Y'all!
I just realized I haven't posted in almost a month. My May has been full of excitement, errands and just general chaos getting ready for Luke! So far this month, I've had 3 wonderful baby showers. Unfortunately, I didn't take a lot of pictures, but I'll post the pictures I do have!
The first weekend in May, my family had a huge couples shower for me and Jon in Sugar Land. The theme matched Luke's nursery perfectly - vintage football. I wish so badly I had gotten a picture of the buffet table because it was adorable, but I did get a picture of the diaper cake that my cousin Jennifer made me. She has talent! My sister and my mom did a fabulous job; they had Pappasito's catered, a cake from Maureen's (a must at any party in Sugar Land!), and lots and lots of people. We got so many cute things for Luke and it was just a really fun party.
The next weekend, I flew back down to Sugar Land for a shower hosted by six of my mom's best friends. It was nice getting to see a lot of my mom's friends; a lot of these women I have grown up around and it was so special to have them there. All of the pictures from this shower are on my sister's camera, so when she sends them to me, I'll be sure to post them. We got so many cute clothes and gift and registry items; I had 5 pieces of luggage stuffed to the brim that I had to bring home on the airplane, and my mom still has stuff at her house to bring to Dallas in June.
This past weekend, my sister-in-laws threw a stock-the-changing-table shower for me in Waco at a cute little shop called the Mix. It was such a sweet party; most of the women in Jon's family were able to come. We had a great lunch and my sister-in-law made the cake in the picture below. It was so sweet of them to host a shower for me, and Luke got so many new things. My mother-in-law's gift to me was my bedding (which you'll see below). She is a wonderful seamstress and did a great job!
Here are some pictures of Luke's finished nursery. We went with a vintage football theme. The picture in the far right hand corner is the first thing I bought when I found out I was having a boy, and the room kind of came together from there. It's a Texas vs. Oklahoma vintage program wooden sign - I got it at the Wooden Swing in Dallas across from the Galleria. It's the cutest shop in Dallas for all things kid's room related- they don't carry things for baby, but I ended up getting a lot of the accessories from there so that they'll grow with him.For inquiring minds, the furniture came from Lonestar Baby & Kids and is Baby's Dream Legendary. The glider/recliner is Little Castle and came from BuyBuy Baby. The blue rug is from PBKids.
Jon and I picked out all of the fabric for the bedding at the Fabric Factory in Dallas. That place is wonderful! Also, no nursery is complete without a Scentsy animal and a Bevo!
This is possibly my favorite thing in the room; we found replicas of old Texas football programs, framed them and put them on the long wall. I will not lie when I say it took me hours to decide; I ordered 36 and narrowed it down to these 3. If you're in need of Texas football posters from decades past, let me know - I have plenty!
Here's a picture of the closet which I felt like adding just for fun. This picture was taken about 3 weeks ago, and since then, it's been packed full of more clothes and other fun stuff. We're going to have to change his outfit a million times a day for him to be able to wear all the sweet things he has received.
Here is a picture of the wall closest to the door. I know that y'all might think it's a bit unnecessary to have a flat screen on the wall of the nursery, but that's for me and not so much for him. It has a DVD player built into it that we can use as a CD player and as he gets older, movies and such. We live in an old ranch style house that doesn't have a playroom or game room, so we're multitasking here. We're still waiting on the tray that holds the changing pad to arrive; it's back ordered until June. It matches the furniture and will keep everything secure until it's not needed anymore. I still think this wall needs something else since the tv is small, but I'm being patient until I get the perfect idea!
If you see anything in the room that you want to know the brand of, please let me know!
So, here's the update of what's been going on the past few weeks with the pregnancy.
- How Far Along: 31.5 Weeks
Size of baby: 3.3 pounds and over 16 inches long!
Gender: It's a Boy! Luke Holland Dorsey
Movement: Lots and lots and lots of movement and kicks. He's an active little guy.
Sleep: I wake up every night at either 1 or 3am. I go back to sleep really quickly, though.
What I miss: I think the better question is what don't I miss. I'm getting very anxious to go back to a diet with no restrictions (in moderation, of course!) among other things. Only 9 more weeks though!
Cravings: None this week.
Symptoms: I guess just normal pregnancy stuff; nothing too out of the ordinary. I haven't had heartburn in weeks, so that's been nice!
Best Moment this week: Getting the nursery all finished; it's so nice to have that done, but a little sad all the shopping trips for accessories have to come to end. Also, getting my invitation in the mail for my bring-a-book baby shower in June. I have such talented and creative friends, and I am so excited for the shower they are hosting me here in Dallas. That should be such a fun time with all of my girlfriends!
I hope all of you have a wonderful Memorial Day!