Lukester, You are 3 months old today! It's crazy how fast you are growing and changing. We love watching you learn new things every day!
You don't go to the doctor this month, so these stats are unofficial, but we think they are pretty accurate. Today, you weighed 16.2 lbs. and you were 24.25 inches long. Your head measured 16.5 inches. You are our big boy!
You just moved up to a size 2 diaper (although we probably should have done that a couple of weeks ago!). You wear mostly 3-6 month stuff, but you can still fit into a few of your 3 month things. It's crazy how fast you go through clothes - but it gives mommy more excuses to shop!
You are still sleeping really well. You don't like sleeping in your crib as much as you do your nap nanny, so that's been a bit of a struggle. But, I know we'll get there soon enough. Your typical bedtime is right between 8:30-8:45 and you sleep until between 6 and 7 each morning. There have been a couple of nights where you haven't wanted to sleep much, but those days are few and far between. We are happy parents!
You are developing just as you should, if not a little faster! This month, you rolled over a couple of times, you began to sit in your bumbo unassisted and you love to sit up in mommy and daddy's bed while leaning against the pillows. You are grabbing and reaching for things now and you especially love to pull mommy's hair. It hurts! You hold your hands together and put them in your mouth, and you are trying so hard to hold your bottle. You smile and laugh and coo and talk all the time! When we are in the car, you'll have an entire conversation with yourself and it makes me and daddy laugh so hard.
You're going to school now all day Monday through Friday. Mommy was so sad the first day and cried big, ugly tears all day, but you're doing so well. You like going and are so happy in the mornings when we sing "Rise and Shine" and the school songs. You sleep well, eat well, and have even done art work at school. You've had picture day and next week is the fall festival. We love your sweet teachers and they love you!
You've done lots of fun things this month. Your best friend Brooks was born on the 24th and you got to meet him shortly thereafter. Y'all are 10 weeks apart and I know you are going to be such great friends like we are with his parents. I can't wait until y'all are in the same class in school starting in January; it's going to be so much fun watching you grow up together!
We also went to the Dallas Arboretum to see the big pumpkin patches with Nana and Papa and took lots of pictures. It was so pretty and you loved it - but you didn't like the hay one bit!
This past weekend, you were dedicated at church. It was such a special day and you did so well (you cried until we walked in and then you were an angel and so still and sweet). We were so excited to be able to dedicate you to the Lord and promise to raise you in a Christian home where our first priority will be to teach you about Christ and his love for you. We can't wait for the day when you accept Jesus as your Lord, but until that day comes, we will continue to pray for you and help you learn about Jesus and how important it is to know Him! After your dedication, those who were able to make it to Dallas for the service (Aunt Emily, Uncle Adam, MC, Nana, Papa, Grandma, Pappy and Julianne) went to Cantina Laredo for brunch. You were worn out and took a great nap that afternoon.
Luke, we are so proud of you and all that you are learning and doing these days. You are such a gift from God, and we love you to pieces. Keep growing, buddy, but don't do it too fast! We're enjoying every single moment of being your parents!